No work
Ahhh...there's nothing like a little rest and relaxation. I don't have to work until friday so I'm going to savor these next 3 days of completely slacking off...well not totally. Today is the day I offically became a member of an online program called project fun. It's an online course directly from the Digipen college in Washington devoted to teaching how to animate and design games...this is so sweet. Anywho I'm really happy that I get a bunch of software and such to mess around with now, thanks to Digipen I can tamper and learn about animation to my hearts consent...ahhh what a great feeling.
Poor Wayne

Anywho, I went to the gym today and built my already studly muscles...I mean people spend years for guns like these. I'm suprised I'm not like getting chicks left and right [takes off sunglasses in a slow awesome fashion] With the muscles of a behemoth and the wits of Macgyver I could rule the world!! Bwuhahahaha!!!! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I'm officially a jedi because I can open automatic doors with the wave of my's the coolest thing ever! Bwuhahahaha!! That is all...