Friday, October 27, 2006

Please throw your roses


But yes I will explain how I managed to pull it off.
It all started when I was clicking away at my computer nonchalantly humming along and all of a sudden the screen flicks... Oh no! What did you do Ben!?

My computer has just restarted itself. This problem will plague me for the next 9 months. Whenever my computer uses the graphics card extensively and the sound together it would just reboot itself. Originally I assumed a graphics problem, but when I checked the computer heat it was outrageously high. So we decided to install a new CPU Fan that drastically cooled the system and we also upgraded to a Gig of RAM. I was convinced that was the problem (the heat) but alas I boot up the computer and guess what? It flicks off... So I wept like a little baby (if you can think of that except with no tears and a very manly whine) (mmmm wine) Anywho I did what I did earlier, search the vast resources of the internet for information concerning this issue. Come to find out it is a very common problem and many factors could be involved, checking forums also can be misleading because many know-it-alls suggest answers to completely different problems that can throw you off. Until just recently though I finally stumbled upon a very odd answer to my problem. Did I check my sound driver? Sound...driver? What has my soundcard have anything to do with intense graphics rebooting my computer? BUT! I checked my soundcard and it said: Realtek AC97 Onboard Audio
Interestingly enough the person on the forum had the exact same sound card and eventually later on he had found a solution to his problem by upgrading his graphics card! However I also found this bit of info... Realtek AC97 has compatibility issues with ATI Radeon Graphics card series 9000-9200 up until like 9-600!? (I have an ATI Radeon 9250) Because unfortunately ATI decided to completely forget about those series and stop supporting them (problematic issues?) So after finding this bit of information I had three options: Buy a new Graphics Card, buy a new Sound Card, or spend countless hours and the next few days staying up late and downloading drivers/new info/and troubleshooting other potential problems pointed out by completely different problems that sound similiar. One person had his problem solved by upgrading to ATI Omega drivers but not until after I had downloaded them, uninstalled my original ATI Catalyst Control Center Drivers and replacing them with the Omega ones did I totally mess up my computers video and have to eventually system restore and reinstall my Catalyst CC. It wasn't until after all this I read the fine print under the driver downloads that said "Series 9000-9600 will not be compatible with Omega Drivers" ........NOOOO........ So I jump right back into the internet for more information. I also along the way found some neat websites and programs extremely helpful to the whole PC process, not to mention flashing BIOS and all that non-windows jazz. But anywho I used a program called Everest: Home Edition to tell me everything inside and out of my computer hardware wise, and driver wise to inform of what specific specs I had in my computer. I noticed in the spec list that the company "VIA" was infront of the AC97 Audio. Interesting and all this time I kept looking up "Realtek" which proved useless (Realtek is absolutely useless help wise) So I check out VIA and stumble upon various FAQs and issues involving audio incompatibility. Eventually it leads me to one issue that referred to Halo, which I have on my PC (I typed in "game" and "restart" in the sites search engine" It gave me a "Does Halo restart or hang when you enter a mission" clicked on it, yet its solutions all involved things I've already done before until the very end. It told me to go into my display settings, then the advance tab, then about 15 tabs are on the little box (all ATI setting and video settings) at first glance I was like "there's no way this would solve my problem, I've done so many other things related to this" but there was one tab it wanted me to go to, the "SmartGArt" tab. In this section it had a slider for none/low/medium/high. This adjusted the AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) from slow to high. At first I didn't think AGP was the issue but apparantly the AGP was what was incompatible ALL ALONG with the AC97 Audio (onboard, mind you) It made since afterwards why it wasn't working. But yeah I turned that off and I can't really tell a difference in gameplay. All that my computer was having trouble with was when my graphics card was accelerating it apparently didn't mesh with sound when both were being used extensively. AND you thought AGP was better than PCI Graphics Cards... Well in a sense it is. Alas, I will give you a rundown of the difference between AGP and PCI slots:
On your motherboard is several slots, the main standard slot is the PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) is like the USB (I expect you know what that is) of slots on the motherboard. Pretty much all motherboards have them (they should). Standard PCI slots will fit just about any card (sound/graphics/internet/enhanced stuff) aslong as it says PCI compatible on the box. As for AGP, AGP is special to only Graphics Cards. They are larger slots that basically enhance the Graphics card to act much faster and assemble graphics more quickly such as for computer gameplay. Despite the enhanced graphics, my problem was the enhanced graphics were incompatible with my onboard sound. I searched and I searched for downloadable drivers but after many different drivers none worked. But yeah, I fixed my problem by simply turning my AGP into a normal PCI. I guess I figured if the sound wasn't working with the graphics then it just wouldn't work regardless with AGP or without. So there you have it, that hardware conflict kept restarting my computer randomly and now it is solved. Oddly enough my computer didn't recognize the incompatiblity and never told me...mehh.
So there you have it.

Not to mention I found this along the way:

I highly reccommend it, I'd download it first aside from AdAware if I got a brand new computer. What this program does is reads computer temps/gives you links to driver updates/and gives you specific detailed information on your hardware. (neato huh?)

-Ben Grahammin