Story of my Life
*cracks knuckles* pheewww...*lonnggg sigh*.... Alright! Okay! I'm Pumped! I'm ready! Big post time! Here we go!Let's a bit further...there we go. Last sunday, the one before. That sunday before memorial day weekend. We are exhausted yet still manage to get up. After we go to the new house after loading up stuff on our very hillbillish trailer, Todd and his dad help us manage the refridgerator onto this flatbed trailer, and add some other various furniture. As we embark on our epic vendetta to the new place we encounter some other various vehicles. Nothing too dangerous. We make it to the house and meet some friends of ours helping us move. Mr. Barry Gannon and our friends in Todd's family Rory Ries and his son Seth. After they help us unload the pod (portable on-demand storage) we pretty much had they rest of the horrible mess to myself and my parents to sort and whatnot in the house. After our friends enjoyed a nice cold beer they departed and we started into our great endeavor. Naturally I set up my bed first and organized my room. Then came organizing the basement and various other tiring tasks which 90% of the time involved lifting boxes and whatnot. I never really was sore or wore down just sleepy, I took the time to set up the computer and the main things ;) (the important everyday life things for Ben) After getting our internet last week around thursday we set that up too. Another big adventure was the preparation for my grandmother's room. She hasn't moved in yet and the walls are covered in a dark wallpaper in which my grandma wouldn't be able to see the complex patterns and just feel like shes in this dark room all the time. We don't want that...atleast my mom doesn't. SO, I get the task of de-wallpapering, de-wallpapering the second wallpaper underneath (YES THERE'S TWO LAYERS?!?!) and this job is just completely tiring, and no matter how tired you are you have to endure that awful steam coming from the steamer you have to use on the wall in order to tear the wallpaper off. This steamer nozzle thing is only about the size of a rather large book and you have to hold it on the wall until its done steaming. So after I did this a bazillion times I finally got the first one off and about a quarter of the second part and my mom was just fed up with everything, the steamer was making an atrocious mess and the wallpaper shreds were everywhere and this project was taking way to long. She told me to take a break and our friend Mr. Gannon stopped by and professionally peeled the wallpaper off and sanded/removed the mold from the wall. It was an answered prayer and my mom couldn't believe how fast he did it all (he does this for a living, working on homes). So after that he told us to paint a primer on the wall and then paint over that whatever color we wanted. So it's again my job to go back and work on the wall. After putting the primer on...that wasn't too bad. I then had the great ordeal of painting over it again and by this time I had a colossal headache. The paint was getting to me, and my arms were terribly tired from holding them up all day. SO I decided to do it tomorrow only to have yet another headache...and yeah I hate de-wallpapering and painting. They're the devil. I'lll never buy a house with wallpaper ...ever.
As for school I've been completely blowing it off. The move has takin me out of the groove and I have also finished my Digital Art won't somebody please motivate me? Anywho, this last weekend (memorial weekend) I spent the night at my friends house, watched some blue collar tv and played some Halo. About a day after that I bought Star Wars: Battlefront for my playstation 2. Then the next day we moved ALLLLLLLL of my grandmothers things in storage into the home. The magnitude of her things suprised me. Then the day AFTER that! We moved my grandmother in :D and is now living with us. That's the good news. ...and with good news comes a little bad news. THE VERY NIGHT SHE MOVED IN she fell and since it was so late she took some tylenol and we decided to take her to the doctor in the morning. So after taking her there she found out nothing was broken, which was good, but she is still in a lot of pain. She also becomes very incoherent when she takes medicine or sleeps a long time which leads to making us very stressed. Patience is a virtue that we all need right now. It's a task to help her into the bathroom, into the kitchen, back to the bedroom. And I don't think my grandmother realizes that some of the things she does makes us frazzled. For example she doesn't want to wear a hearing aid not for the sake of wearing one...but for the fact that she doesn't want to bother with these small things in the first place which places a greater burden on us because the tv now can be heard the next block down. Another thing is she thinks she can walk with a cane not a walker, which is untrue, she is very unbalanced and still is stubborn in the fact that she wants to use her cane. This is the reason why she falls and dominos all the things we have to do. If she would simply heed our initial ideas to help her she would save us a lot of grief and herself. My grandmother is someone who strongly goes out of her way to help other people and take the load off them. What she doesn't realize is that something she thinks is only affecting herself is actually going to turn out to be our job or task. My mom is frazzled she has had absolutly no time to rest since we have moved in and is horribly tired. This is a much needed Sabbath *phew*
Today I went to see X-Men 3: The Last Stand with my friend Mike! Only to realize afterwards that there was short clip at the end of the credits that we had missed! But alas I found out what went on in the clip, but I still wish I could actually see it.
As for anything else...I just can't remember, so many things, so little time.