What you don't know
Alright for any of you females the following contains what men will do in their spare time...ehh make that most of their time. This contains the secret lives we conceal from the opposite sex in fear of eternal shame and embarassment, because you would just never understand. That you will never really know about. I mean to this extent. Aside from the sports, the trucks, and the passion this is what most boys in my generation consume themselves with. I know! It's shocking! But there is an innernerd in all of us. That quiet little voice saying feed me! For all of those people who know what I am saying. More rupees for you!Star Wars
Now now!! Contain yourself woman! You are probably wondering "Hey I like star wars too" Do you really woman?! hmmmm?!?! I'll tell you what when a man sees a fantasy movie or story a man analyzes. A man knows everything. I mean how do we know all this stuff? Video games. Video games, the flux capacitor of our being. Okay so this post is aimed towards the average-not-so-very nerdy-girl. You have probably never played Battlefront 1 or 2. Jedi Academy? Anything to do with Kyle Katarn? Does Biggs Darklighter ring a bell?


This is actually Wedge Antilles. Did some of you real nerds catch it before I told you?!
First off let me get this straight if you are male, between the ages of 7-30 and you are not one of those special case children who grew up deprived of the video game. I'm sure 97% of you have played the game Zelda. Tis a game with much magnificence and strategy and such a redundant storyline yet nostalgic to those diehard. This genre and franchise will always be left untarnished because of the sheer brilliancy of its magesticism.


The Zelda games to date: The Legend of Zelda, The Adventure of Link, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, The Wind Waker, Four Swords, The Minish Cap, and coming soon: The Twilight Princess. All remarkable games with almost all having one goal in mind. Save the Princess in perilous doom while also saving the world from being swallowed by darkness! Sure its simpleminded but you will be suprised! Not only that but! It gives men this hopeless fantatistical illusion of always wanting to rescue that damsel in distress. Is that nerdy or manliness!?
Dude I'm a 8 year-old kid who just slayed a giant man-eating behemoth spider!
Ahh pokemon. Great times. I had everything. From the cards to the video games and the 6:00 am wake up time to watch the show before I went to school. Yes it was very much a part of my kid life. Kids flocked to pokemon like druggies on meth. Except it didn't have that yellow teeth side-effect. Literally kids memorized all 150 of the original pokemon and had get all their little kiddie hands on them or...catch them all!


Yes I know...he's throwing a Voltorb not a pokeball!
Pokemon was crazy. I mean you couldn't walk into a store or go to school without seeing atleast 1 pokemon ...maybe 2. So the premise of pokemon was to become "the pokemon master" capture and collect every single pokemon and be able to defeat anyone who was formidable against your army of creatures. It is also a simple game throw pokeballs at creatures so they will be captured and yours to keep. Stored away in your balls. Ehh Hehe moving one the creators of this game sure had testosterone in mind! My big fire lizard Charizard will totally own your weak Clefairy!
Mewtwo! Psychic blast Jigglypuff!
Final Fantasy
This one isn't really a shocker, because the franchise is more for an advanced audience. Not only will the entire series of games literally take months to try and conquer but the story is immense and flawless. Not only is the gameplay gripping but the plot seals the deal. For example and the best game to date: Final Fantasy 7 - not only is it compelling but the battle system was unique and revolutionary. Anyone who has ever liked a roleplaying game has had to of played this game one way or another.


There are about 20 Final Fantasy games in all and can take up to 40-80 hours of your life on each one of them, each with their own unique storyline that always seems to tackle a different aspect of life or conquering greed? Maybe just psychoness?
Cloud: *Omnislash!* ....your dead.
I'm not speaking for all men either...just the mainstream gamers hehe ;)


I can't explain this one. You had to be introduced at a certain time, at a certain place, by a certain person, and you had to have an open mind.
Any Mel Brooks movie
The movies are brilliant! Watch!
If you do not know the acronym you do not know ninja turtles. I have no idea what girls did when ninja turtles was big, maybe they watched it? Ninja turtles was just what its name implied! It was Ninjas and Turtles combined!!! Genius! I mean what 6 year old kid doesn't like that? Oh and props to the guy who decided to put Vanilla Ice in one of the movies. Ever bigger props to my homie who made the ninja studs in the first place.
14,337,890 Japanese know what I'm talking about, about Zelda.
11,601,289 Europeans know what I'm talking about, about Pokemon
12,177,346 Americans watched Dragonballz at one point or another.
101,133,981 Worldwide humans understand the REAL Star Wars universe.
..and the boys of my generation who think this is all wrong. Well I think your weird.
Oh and it's your turn women to tell me everything about what you did or whatever...not that we would want to know anyways.
The only mutually assured multi boy/girl toy I think I loved was Lincoln Logs.