Charmander Char!
Heh it has seriously been awhile since I last posted and you all probably thought I was dead or something...well kind of. Last friday I got sick...really bad, this was one of the worst and I could see it coming too. Before I even felt anything at all I was like "I think I am going to get sick" and well...I did. I was sick to my stomach, fever, chills, and had a terrible headache the spanned my neck all the way to the top of my head. It was bad to say the least I also sat on my knees in front of a bucket for about 45 min in a queezy vegetative state of sick gut wrenching, hurlafied soupness. Ach but now I'm getting a bit better :) Allright I have to break it too ya I have really nothing to say though...maybe after this weekend because I'm going to my aunts and uncle's for thanksgiving! Which I can't wait for and also saturday night going to a pink floyd concert with Marcus in KC!!! 1337 pwn3d n00b! (I should give a whole post in leet) While you are eating popcorn and watching a movie on your broken down sofa I shall be rockin to kc and back pink floyd style! *puts ridiculously large sunglasses on in a turtle like whip motion* Speaking of pink floyd I would like to erect Ben's top 10 best guitar solos of all time list thing:10-Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix
9-Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin
8-Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson
7-Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult (gimme some cowbell!)
6-Time by Pink Floyd
5-Dazed and Confused (Live) by Led Zeppelin
4-All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix
3-Eruption by Van Halen
2-Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
*Drumroll please**1**-Freebird by Lynryrd Skynyrd!
Other bands that could have made the next five include Aerosmith, all of Satrianis stuff, and Rush...I seriously feel like I'm forgeting something. Anyways I would like to share with you this ridiculously good score by my mom and how well she owned me and my dad in a grueling game of rummyness!:

Well with that I conclude my post with 1337 h4x0rz pwn j00!