
Ok I stole this from what?! I thought it was fun hehe.
From now until tuesday evening you have to decide which one of the x-men you shall buddy list shall never be the same! Gambit and Toad are taken :-D
Huzzah! I made a video game *Ben stops to do a little jig* Alright my game is not some new halo or anything...I know you are all disapointed in me, BUT my game does have some 2d bear mauling aliens!!!...well making them disapear actually. Hehe I also can make my bear throw snowballs or make trees fly, I am in command, Harharhar! Moving day was uneventful I did some schoolin and got some rainin. I'm trying to learn this wicked awesome song on my guitar but it's like really fast picking so I probably won't have it down until I'm like fourty-years old wearin blue overalls playin the banjo down by the river....or something. Oh sweet I just noticed I have another brownie on my plate!!!...I shall be back later after I am done devouring my brownie! Rawr!
Semper Fi
Arg! Stupid tooth...earlier today I had a conundrum of sorts with my tooth. Part of the bonding on it just popped right I realized it was not noticing the big gap in the front of my teeth but the white shard of bonding that had dislodged itself away from my big dumb half tooth. You see 60% of my front four top teeth are fake I lost my front two in a bicycle accident some years ago. Lodging my front tire in a crack in the road my wheel would absolutely not move, thus going a very unusually slow 5 MPH I went over my handlebars and landed right on my face!!! YEOUCH...I don't remember how long it took for my face to heal but anywho I'm fine no....err not yet mom has yet to schedule an appointment to get them refilled so yea I guess I'll have to not smile in the Feast pictures :D I forgot to mention that this isn't the first time this has happened. In 7th grade one of my friends on the bus just teasing lightly thumped me on the head with his hardcover book (remember it's hardcover) and somehow the bonding fell right out and into my hand...I was like whoa what is this, until my tongue managed to discover the space missing in my teeth...come to think of it!! 7th grade was a terrible year speaking of accidents. In 7th grade a friend slammed his locker (accidentally) on my pinky finger. My immediate reaction was to jerk my hand back...well.....considering my pink was inside the locker and the rest of my hand was on the outside....let's just say there was lots of blood! I clasped my hands immediately and they were already filled with blood. I ran to the restroom and rinsed off the blood during this time another friend (different than the one who is standing there yelling "DUDE I'M SO SORRY!!!!") hits me on the back of the head with his binder! (this is really ironic...two different friends hitting me on the head and 2 accidents happening) I shouted you moron I'm dieing here and well he goes DUDE SORRY!!!...but anywho I said lets go and we sprinted to the nurses which is downstair across the yea she rinsed it off for awhile applied some gauze and I went to an emergency local mini St. Johns place and got 5 stitches in my pinky...ahh I love anesthetics. Watching him sow up my flesh was a very weird experience to say the least. Buuuuut there's my stories...
Also, today I had my first of five classes all throughout this week today of an online course called projectFUN. It's going to teach me C++ coding and some basic game design which is of course...awesome! So I'll have to show off my mad computer graphics skills when I'm done! That's about all folks so yea peace!!

Hey everyone I'm really procrastinating on my blog recently and giving you cheap unthoughtful pictures and such just to hold you off....well the pressure is too great for me to bear so I leave you with this message of wishing you an awesome heartfelt Sabbath! and awesome Labor day! I hope everyone had a good friday atleast kinda sorta better than mine. The customers at work weren't exactly in the best of moods so yea I had to put up with a lot today...I'm glad it happened on a friday so I have the Sabbath directly after it. But anywho I wanna give a shout out to Boston for being such a wicked awesome band!! Here's some pictures I stole from other peoples albums HAHAHAHA!!!!.....Goodnight.

I have an awesome Sabbath!


You mess with the bull you get the my dad always says.

Hahaha!!! I love cats!