Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Wow this quiz nailed it!

I was cruising around the blogspot quizzes stuff and noticed the "you know when your from St. Louis if..." I figured had to see this being a St. Louisan and all. I was amazed they nailed most of the things we know about our home town such as:

-we bleed blue between the months of september and may (refering to hockey!)

-vacations refer to Silver dollar city and Lake of the Ozarks and they forgot to mention Branson

-Although I can't drink beer yet... I know for sure! St. Louisans are big on beer

- Ok now when it says "You know at least one person who's gotten hurt at Johnson Shut-ins" THIS right here is absolutly true if your a St. Louisan. That place is super dee duper fun and yet it's very dangerous considering the whole place is rocks and water.

-Just read the rest all of it is true! mom pronounces it MUSKACHOLLI

You Know You're From St. Louis When...

You love toasted ravioli with Budweiser beer.
"Vacation" is a choice between Silver Dollar City and Lake of the Ozarks.
You can get anywhere in 20 minutes, except on highway 40.
You can debate for 30 minutes whether Missouri Baking or Marge Amighetti makes the best Italian bread.
You know what "Party Cove" is, and where the "lake" is.
You still can't believe the Arena is gone.
Your first question to a new person is, "Where did you go to High School?"
Your non-St. Louisan friends always ask if you're aware there is no "r" in "wash."
You know at least one person who's gotten hurt at Johnson Shut-ins.
You know in your heart that Mizzou can beat Nebraska in football.
You think the three major food groups are Beef, Budweiser and Imo's.
You know there are really only three salad dressings: Imo's, Zia's and Rich and Charlie's.
You'll pay for your kid to go to college unless they want to go to KU.
You would rather have a root canal without anesthetic than drive on Manchester on a Saturday afternoon.
It just doesn't seem like a wedding without mostaciolli. AND YOU PRONOUNCE IT 'MUSKACHOLLI'. The balance of the menu is ham, boiled roast beef, string beans with ham and of course pitchers of Busch Bavarian (class weddings have Bud)
You know, within a three-mile radius, where another St. Louisan grew up as soon as they open their mouth.
Everyone in your family has floated the Meramec River at least once.
A hoosier is someone that lives just south of Chouteau, not a person from Indiana.
You have made fun of Mike Shanahan and tried to imitate him ordering another cold, frosty Busch Bavarian Beer.
You have listened to Mike's broadcast on KMOX, while watching the game on TV and wonder what game he is watching. A tear forms in your eye as someone mentions their favorite Jack Buck story.
You've said, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."
Your favorite summer treat is handed to you upside-down
You bleed Blue between September and May
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from St. Louis.

Get Your Own "You Know You're From" Meme Here

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