I thought this was funny.

Every loser...and his mother.
So I got this in my email...huh?!
Dearest beloved,It is not without deep consideration that I am writing youthis letter of acquaintance and proposal as to be myexecutor. I am Mrs Marinah Rhikanul the wife of late MrHamell Rhikanul. I have prayed and fasted for 21 daysasking God to show me a reliable person with whom I canentrust this money for future investment, and the almightyGod has directed me to you as my future partner, andadviser in whatever business you may choose.My late Husband Mr.Hamell Rhikanul national activist and awealthy cocoa merchant of his time in Republic of Congo.My late Husband owned a partnership company, but thissudden death was as a result of liver poison suspected tobe his associate with proves of their series of attempt onme and my childrens life to kidnap me but the interventionof the police made it impossible,not with standing, I amliving in fear in my owncountry,immediately we move to Abidjan to look for aforeign partner, which can help us to clear the box fromthe security company.The persitant trials on me and my childerns life by myhusband associates was a result of my husband's wealth. Hedeposited the sum of USD $ 18 million(eighteen millionUnited State Dollars) in one of the security company herein Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire. And the relevant documentsconcerning the fund was handed to me by my husband beforehis death, viz.,certificate of deposit agreement andreceipt of the said sum, which in effect is bound fortransfer for investment with foreign investor.I am desirous of having my affairs in the hands of athoroughly trustworthy person. Yours efforts in assistingme will not be underestimated, 15% of the total sum. Willbe offered to you as a commission and 5% is mapped out forany expenses that you may encure during this transaction.Please I would want the confidentiality of this transactionto be respected for security reasons and more details andclarification follows suit at you approval.Endeavour to quicken action for delay is unfavourable forme.Contact me on the above email address and kindly includeyour private telephone and fax numbers for easycommunication.please contact me through this {REMOVED}
Thanks and best Regards.Marinah Rhikanul.