Wednesday, October 26, 2005

skrazo eht fo ekal

Haha this Feast was always though it was depressing to leave. The trip home was exhilaratingly fast and I unpacked my luggage with the speed of cheetah with the captain universe powers! Ok seriously now the Feasts every year get more and more inspiring I don't know how it could get any better than this...the messages were brilliantly executed with spirituality and an extremely zealous manner...Dr. Fall gave some excellent sermons that I shall certainly review again... Lets see, you won't believe what we did, we taped glow sticks to a frisbee and wrapped glowsticks around our wrists so we could play ultimate frisbee in the dark! Not to mention it was raining aswell. Quite possibly the best ultimate frisbee game ever! We had an entire golf course to play on and considering it was dark so no golfers would hinder our fun. We also went to the mall...which had about 86 clothes stores and one theater with a bunch of cruddy movies showing...alas we still managed to have fun and at the only music store there I bought 22 hours of Macgyver season 2! Oh yea! About halfway through the Feast I realized that I didn't really want to buy much of anything with all of my summer job tithe but I just wanted to spend time with friends..that's what my heart really desired and I wish I could continue that. I have invented a new syndrome PFB=Post-Feast start to feel sad...even to the point of crying, you feel like you need to break every ceramic ghost and witch put up for halloween and sadly start to lose that smiling glow you gave out at the Feast as did every church member did...the only thing that makes you last through the winter is snowboarding/hockey, looking forward to the next FoT and the time when it will last forever. I'm going to go watch some hockey and cry...

...there is certainly more to talk about but I figure I can just remember it when I talk to you on instant messager.

I'm glad your my friends

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Dark Prowler
Your Superpower is Radiation
Your Weakness is Balloons
Your Weapon is Your Energy Bullets
Your Mode of Transportation is Ambulance
What's your Superhero Name?

Monday, October 03, 2005


Leviticus 23:23 Read it! Believe it!